Destress your life, please ?
The moment I write this to you I’m 18 years old and I’m about to turn 19.
Why do I tell you this ?
Well, I know that stress has become really common in our lives.
It’s probably nothing in comparison to other people, who had much more tragic moments in life and much larger amount of stress than me.
About a 2 months ago I found out about a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in book called “How to Think Like a Roman Emperor” written by Donald Robertson. Magnificent book by the way.
I decided to study more about this topic and here’s what I found.
“It’s not things that upset us but our judgements about things. “ — Epictetus
As humans we tend to bring emotions into almost every part of our life.
I’m not saying it’s wrong, but stating that sometimes it’s not quite necessary. Let me explain.
Our problem could be as little as mouse, and as harmless as sleeping cat.
But what we prefer to do ?
Enlarge the problem or stress even more by adding unnecessary emotions as a voice of opinion.
Total waste of energy !
Let’s do something else instead and try to analize your emotions.
Sounds crazy ?
Yeah I know, I was shocked too, but it’s not that difficult and it helps a lot.
Distancing from emotions it’s for me the best possible solution.
This refers to the ability to perceive one’s own thoughts as a constructs, and not the reality itself.
How can you achieve it ?
There are simple techniques which I’ll discuss here.
- Compactly write your thoughts on paper and reading it even at loud if no one will interupt you.
- Before you think of something negative try to precede it with some statement such as “At this very moment, I notice I’m thinking more emotional. ”
Yet this is so far the hardest one I tried to add this but still I failed each time, but I’ll keep going and I’ll tell you about this more I promise. - Wrting it on a whiteboard and literally looking at it from distance.
- Changing your perspective and imagining yourself from alternatives ways looking at the same situation.
For instance what would Jordan B. Peterson fell if I would broke down my car.
I mentioned Jordan B. Peterson because it is kind of my mentor and I admire him so much, but as in example it can be any person that you admire, respect and wants to be like him/her. - Last techniques is something really simple.
Just say simple phrase “You’re just a feeling, not what you claim to represent. “
From me this is every knowledge that I gathered for the past couple months.
I highly encourage you to try this on, and trust me it will help you to look at your life more in less stressful way.
However, I’m not a professional psychiatrist.
So if you’re dealing with some serious trauma, please contact with someone who studied it more than 2 months, because every other case is different.
I hope you’re going to stress less now, and
Have a Good Day ❤