5 Body Language Gestures For Stress

Stress is a common experience that affects individuals of all ages.
It is often caused by different things such as work pressure, family issues, financial problems, and health concerns.
Because of these overwhelming situations, you simply can’t control every specific gesture from our body.
Here are some simple symptoms which you can notice in any second.
1. Hair pulling

This is more common in children and teenagers who are experiencing stress.
However, you might still see it in adults.
You can see this in both genders, but men more prefer to pull hair from the corners of their eyebrows.
On the other side women are more picky on that one because they can pluck it from their eyelids, head hair, eyebrows and even arm hair.
2. Playing with philtrum

The philtrum is the area below the nose and above the upper lip.
People will play with that part of the body rather energetically by plucking or scratching it.
It indicates high level of stress because the sweat tends to gather there.
This behavior may be similar to other repetitive behaviors such as tapping a foot or fidgeting with one’s hands.
3. Cheek scratching

People can experience it in two different ways.
Firstly, when a person is under stress, they may experience physical sensations such as itchiness or discomfort on their skin, including their cheeks.
This can lead them to scratch their cheeks unconsciously or without realizing it.
Secondly, stress can also lead to the development of nervous habits, such as cheek scratching.
These habits are repetitive behaviors that a person engages in without consciously intending to do so.
Over time, these habits can become ingrained and difficult to break.
Don’t forget if someone have some allergy or diseases such as eczema or psoriasis and it doesn’t indicate stress so keep that in mind.
4. Neck massaging

The neck is a quite common area where people hold tension, especially when they are stressed or anxious.
This is why it’s one of the most effective way to relieve stress and tension.
Because of that when you massage the back of your neck or the sides of it, you stimulate the muscles in that area and increase blood flow.
Massage works by releasing tension in the muscles and promoting relaxation.
This is why it’s one of the most effective way to relieve stress and tension.
5. Shoulder rubbing/scratching

This symptom mostly happens when the person would reach across the chest and press their hand against their opposite shoulder.
Something like in the picture above.
They can scratch it, rub it or even press it ,however all of this does the same thing which is relieving stress.
The act of rubbing it or scratching can also help to release endorphins, which are basically natural painkillers that can help to reduce stress.
None of that symptoms is considered as a helpful technique for managing stress and it’s not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.
It’s more of short term gestures which we’re doing when handling a lot of stress in many situations.
It’s important to know that, because stress sometimes can help us to spot liars, not always but most of the time when people lie they are stressing as well.
Thank you for reading ❤
Hope you have a good day